Why is it crucial to train your ability to adapt? 

The COVID-19 pandemic is a resounding testament to the value of a resilient mindset. 
When things don’t go as planned, 
Resilience is the ability to deal with them well. 
1) Adaptation is the change from surviving to thriving. 
Adaptability can be seen in many ways, 
Such as a person’s ability to learn quickly, 
Handle their feelings well, 
Be open to new information and experiences. 
They teach us how to be cool under fire and curious in the face of uncertainty. 
They give us a chance to respond in a way that is more thought-out than a gut response. 
2) Develop wellness as a fundamental skill. 
Since then, the number of employees who say they are feeling more burned out has gone up as a whole. 
Executives have been monitoring staff health statuses closely since the outbreak of COVID-19. 
When people are tired, they often have a “scarcity mentality,” which means they are less open to new ideas and experiences. 
The greatest method to deal with difficult circumstances is to put one’s own health and happiness first. 
Leaders should first make sure they are successful, and then help their followers reach their full mental, emotional, and physical potential. 
Taking a break is beneficial to your brain and speeds up your ability to acquire and master new skills. 
3) You must establish your “non-negotiable” and your objective. 
While new knowledge is always energising, it may seem overwhelming while facing adversity. 
It provides a structure that elevates effort and increases adaptability. 
Discovering your interests and values is the first step toward finding your life’s purpose. 
#technologyleadership #peoplemanagement #changemanagement #changeleadership 

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